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    The content in the manual will adjust to the specific
    location of your office.

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  • Select the zone of the building you work in, to display the relevant content:

    On foot

    Whether you commute by public transport or travel to the office on foot, Tryton Business House is an excellent choice as a workplace. The complex can be conveniently reached from any point in the Tricity. Thanks to its location in the heart of the city, getting to it from any point in the city centre is… a stroll.

    Pro tip

    Walking is healthy. We strongly encourage everyone to use public transport and walk, especially as there are bus and tram stops right next to the building.

    Building entrances

    There are two main entrances to the building. Once past them, you will have to pass the reception desk and then through the two-way access gates. The ones who know better (and have an access card) will enter from the surface parking through a single door. The biggest insiders can skip the ground floor. The lifts from the underground car park will take them directly to the offices.